What Advice Would You Give for Maintaining a Consistent Brand Voice Across Platforms?

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    CMO Times

    What Advice Would You Give for Maintaining a Consistent Brand Voice Across Platforms?

    In the digital age, maintaining a consistent brand voice across various platforms can be a daunting task. To offer guidance, we've compiled fourteen expert tips from CMOs and other marketing leaders. From creating a comprehensive brand voice guide to practicing active listening, discover the single most valuable piece of advice for brand consistency according to these professionals.

    • Create a Comprehensive Brand Voice Guide
    • Train Customer Service in Brand Voice
    • Adhere to a Detailed Brand Style Guide
    • Document Brand Voice Nuances
    • Break Down Voice for Recognition
    • Emphasize Clarity and Authenticity
    • Practice Active Audience Listening
    • Use a Guide for Brand Consistency
    • Align Team with Brand Voice Guide
    • Focus on Individual Audience Members
    • Cohesion Through Curated Messaging
    • Implement a Content Approval System
    • Develop a Brand Asset Manual
    • Enforce a Comprehensive Style Guide

    Create a Comprehensive Brand Voice Guide

    Creating and using a brand voice guide is essential for maintaining a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms. This guide acts as a blueprint for how your brand communicates, ensuring consistency and coherence everywhere.

    Start by defining your brand’s tone, style, and key messaging. Specify how these elements should change for different platforms—like using a more formal tone for LinkedIn and a casual, engaging style for Twitter. Include specific examples, dos and don'ts, and guidelines for adapting the voice to different contexts without losing its essence.

    Update the guide regularly to reflect new insights, market changes, or shifts in brand strategy. Train all team members on its use and encourage collaboration to ensure everyone is aligned with the brand’s voice.

    By having a well-documented and universally understood brand voice guide, you ensure that your brand remains recognizable and consistent, no matter where or how it’s presented. This uniformity builds trust and familiarity with your audience, strengthening your overall brand identity.

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediCMO, Write Right

    Train Customer Service in Brand Voice

    Don't overlook customer service when aiming to maintain a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms. Customer service is essentially a public demonstration of your brand's dedication to its values, and maintaining consistency here is just as important as in any other aspect of your branding.

    If your brand is known for being cheerful and friendly, then every customer service interaction should reflect that. Each email, phone call, and live chat should exude the same level of enthusiasm and warmth that customers expect based on your brand's messaging and personality. It's not just about resolving customer issues—it's about doing so in a way that reinforces your brand identity.

    I always ensure our customer service team is trained to understand and embody our brand's identity and values. They are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to provide a consistent level of service that meets our standards and voice across all channels. And, of course, we regularly collect feedback from our customers to refine our service approach and align it more closely with their expectations.

    Patrick Beltran
    Patrick BeltranMarketing Director, Ardoz Digital

    Adhere to a Detailed Brand Style Guide

    A key piece of advice for managing and maintaining a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms is to develop and rigorously adhere to a comprehensive brand style guide. This guide should include detailed descriptions of your brand’s tone, voice, key phrases, words to avoid, and overall messaging approach. It should also cover visual elements such as logos, color schemes, and font choices.

    By ensuring that every piece of content, whether it's a social media post, a newsletter, or a blog article, aligns with this guide, you can maintain a cohesive and recognizable brand identity across all channels.

    Jordan Figueredo
    Jordan FigueredoSenior Content Strategist, Online Optimism

    Document Brand Voice Nuances

    To maintain a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms for Destify, we created a comprehensive brand voice guide. This guide defined Destify's tone and style; outlined whether it is friendly, professional, or fun; and specified the appropriate level of formality. We included core messages and values, such as the joy of destination weddings, the ease of planning with Destify, and the personalized touch we provide. We also specified preferred brand language, terminology, and phrases that align with Destify's identity, along with clear examples of what matches our brand voice and what does not.

    We tailored the guide to address platform-specific nuances, adopting a more formal tone for LinkedIn and a casual, inspiring tone for Instagram. By ensuring that all team members and stakeholders were familiar with and adhered to this guide, we maintained a consistent and cohesive brand voice across all channels. This approach reinforced Destify's brand identity and built trust and recognition with our audience, emphasizing the unique and joyful experience of planning a destination wedding with Destify.

    Garrett Nutgrass
    Garrett NutgrassMarketing Content Strategist, Destify

    Break Down Voice for Recognition

    To create and keep a consistent brand voice, you need to break your “voice” down into parts that everyone inside and outside of your company can easily recognize and understand. Start by describing your brand in three to five words.

    For example, a tire company might say that it is “dependable,” “knowledgeable,” and “honest,” while an interior design firm might say that it is “fashionable,” “tasteful,” and “daring.” If your industry or market is very competitive, or if customers have had a hard time telling your company apart from your competitors, you should use a wider range of keywords to help your brand stand out from them.

    Precious Abacan
    Precious AbacanMarketing Director, Softlist

    Emphasize Clarity and Authenticity

    As the CEO of Startup House, my top advice for maintaining a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms is to always keep your messaging clear, concise, and authentic. Make sure your brand values and personality shine through in every piece of content you put out, whether it's a social media post, blog article, or email newsletter.

    Consistency is key, so stick to your brand guidelines and tone of voice to build trust and recognition with your audience. Remember, a strong brand voice is like a good friend—reliable, relatable, and always there when you need it.

    Alex Stasiak
    Alex StasiakCEO & Founder, Startup House

    Practice Active Audience Listening

    My advice for maintaining a consistent brand voice across multiple digital channels is to practice active listening. Pay close attention to how your audience interacts with your content by monitoring comments, shares, and feedback. Use these insights to refine your messaging, and always respond in your brand's voice, even in casual social media interactions. This consistent approach strengthens your brand’s personality and ensures your message resonates clearly with your audience.

    Amar Ghose
    Amar GhoseCEO, ZenMaid

    Use a Guide for Brand Consistency

    I remember when Spectup first expanded its online presence, we faced challenges in ensuring our tone and messaging remained consistent across our website, social media, email campaigns, and customer support interactions. To tackle this, we created a detailed guide that outlined our brand’s personality, key messaging points, tone, and examples of dos and don’ts.

    The guide became our bible. Whether it was a blog post, a tweet, or a customer service email, everyone referred to the guide to ensure uniformity. It also included templates for common scenarios and responses, which was especially helpful for new team members.

    I recall one instance where a support rep handled a tricky customer query using the guide’s suggestions, turning a potentially negative experience into a positive one that the customer later praised publicly. This consistency not only reinforces your brand identity but also builds trust and recognition with your audience.

    Niclas Schlopsna
    Niclas SchlopsnaManaging Consultant and CEO, spectup

    Align Team with Brand Voice Guide

    Managing and maintaining a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms can be challenging, but here's a piece of advice that has served us well at TutorCruncher:

    Create a detailed brand voice guide and ensure every team member understands and uses it.

    A brand voice guide should include specific language, tone, and style guidelines that align with your brand’s identity. At TutorCruncher, our guide covers everything from word choice and sentence structure to the level of formality and personality we want to convey. This helps ensure that our messaging remains consistent, whether we're posting on social media, sending emails, or creating blog content.

    But the guide alone isn't enough. It's crucial that everyone on the team, from marketing to customer support, is familiar with it and uses it as a reference. Regular training sessions and updates to the guide help keep everyone aligned.

    Tom Hamilton-Stubber
    Tom Hamilton-StubberManaging Director, Tutor Cruncher

    Focus on Individual Audience Members

    My tip: always write to an individual, not a crowd. Audience focus is key in communication. Understanding what your target audience needs, expects, and wants to hear, and then tailoring your messages accordingly, enhances communication. When you write for everyone, you effectively write for no one. Instead of trying to reach everyone, focus on a specific segment within your broader audience.

    To maintain consistency in your brand voice across various platforms, practice crafting your messages as if you're speaking to one person rather than a group. Rather than addressing a wide audience, personalizing your content for an individual helps make your communication more engaging and shows that you genuinely care about their interests. As you write, imagine you’re having a one-on-one conversation with someone important. This approach keeps your messages personable, engaging, and true to your brand.

    Amy Tribe
    Amy TribeDirector, OGLF (Our Good Living Formula)

    Cohesion Through Curated Messaging

    In my years of steering marketing strategies, one vital piece of advice I've often given for managing and maintaining a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms is “cohesion through curation.” Even though every platform has a unique language and user behavior, it's crucial to maintain a consistent core message.

    While at Businessmap, we make sure that our “efficiency and ease” motto resonates through our vibrant infographics on Instagram, our informative LinkedIn articles, or our interactive Twitter conversations. It's also helpful to create a comprehensive brand guide that includes your brand's mission, values, personality, tone, and verbiage, acting as a constant reference point in your multi-platform marketing strategy.

    Lastly, invest in platform-specific tailoring while retaining your core narrative, engaging your respective platform audience effectively without diluting your brand ethos.

    Pavel Naydenov
    Pavel NaydenovHead of Marketing, Businessmap

    Implement a Content Approval System

    One crucial piece of advice for maintaining a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms is to use collaborative tools with a clear system for content approval before any content goes live. Implementing a structured workflow ensures that all content is reviewed by key stakeholders, allowing for alignment with the brand's voice and messaging guidelines.

    These tools facilitate real-time collaboration and feedback, making it easier for team members to work together seamlessly, regardless of their location. By having a centralized platform for content creation and approval, you can maintain high standards of consistency and quality across all your communication channels.

    This system also helps catch any discrepancies or deviations from the brand voice early in the process, ensuring that only approved, on-brand content reaches your audience. Being proactive in your approach preserves your brand's integrity and enhances trust and recognition among your audience.

    Greg Davis
    Greg DavisFounder, Azola Creative

    Develop a Brand Asset Manual

    A tip that may help in maintaining a coherent tone across different social accounts is to develop a brand asset manual. For example, when we represented a client in the hospitality industry, we created a detailed style guide defining the brand voice, communication strategy, and graphic design. This guide made it possible for the marketing team to always use the right brand tone and image, especially on social media platforms, emails, the website, etc.

    It was effective in ensuring that everybody adhered to certain rules on writing and communication. This way, we were confident that every contact made with consumers was relevant and supported the branding initiative, thus leading to an escalation of brand appeal to consumers.

    Kartik Ahuja
    Kartik AhujaDigital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

    Enforce a Comprehensive Style Guide

    To maintain a consistent brand voice across multiple platforms, the key is to create and enforce a comprehensive brand style guide. Here's how to achieve this:

    • Content – Specify the tone, language, typography, color palette, and logo usage. This guide serves as a reference for all content creators to ensure uniformity.
    • Training – Regularly train employees, especially those in marketing, PR, and customer service, to ensure they understand and adhere to the brand guidelines.
    • Tools – Use tools like Grammarly for style consistency and social media management platforms to schedule and monitor posts uniformly.
    • Audits – Regularly check content across various platforms to ensure it aligns with your brand guidelines. Address any inconsistencies promptly.

    While consistency is essential, allow for some flexibility to tailor your voice to different platforms. This helps your message resonate with specific audiences without straying from your brand identity.

    Gavin Bent
    Gavin BentMarketing Executive, Ponds By Michael Wheat